The First Battle of the NEW CIVIL WAR!! Revenge of the Ghost Wolf

Here is a review of the latest novel that tells the truth about America!

Customer reviews of The First Battle of the New Civil War: Revenge of the Ghost Wolf

Customer rating: 5 out of 5

Revenge of the Ghost Wolf based on a TRUE STORY Rating of 5 out of 5 Rating of 5 out of 5 Rating of 5 out of 5 Rating of 5 out of 5 Rating of 5 out of 5
By John Booker, 07/07/2009 01:01:40

Being a truck driver, I listen to the radio a lot and first got interested in this book when I heard a broadcast on the radio interviewing the author Jim West, who I understand is also a broadcaster which was pretty evident by his voice.

I was intrigued by the interview which was more than an hour, discussing the real Ghost Wolf that was witnessed out in the wilderness of a remote area of California. A Navajo Indian Chief from New Mexico was also on the program that night.

The Navajo believe this beast to be Supernatural, but Mr West said his impression of it was that it was larger than life and quite real, but made his large, and formerly fearless German Shepherd turn and run when confronted with the beast in the darkness one night after midnight near the secret government base called China Lake.

I found the website for the book and wrote to the author and received my signed copy. I really liked the book, and hold precious my quiet reading time. I really related to some of the characters, but especially liked how current the book is. Especially since it also talks about America possibly being invaded by foreign troops, while most of our forces are fighting battles in other countries.

Target has about the best price for this book and I am buying another copy because I don’t want to loan out my signed copy.

I really liked the action which starts right at the beginning, but especially grew fond of the Ghost Wolf. I understand this is the first of a three part trilogy.

I loved the ending, but I can’t give it away.

In the future, under the leadership of America’s first Black President of the United States, the country is at war. The land of the free and home of the brave, must navigate through the dire straits of civil unrest at home! South Carolina Secedes… and an Alabama Militia must fight to save the Sweetheart of the South… journalist Lisianna Rockefeller!


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Lisianna Rockefeller, the wife of a congressman and a popular journalist, becomes enmeshed with a group known as the Consolidated Citizens Corp, commonly known as the CCC, and a man known only as X, who is involved in smuggling people out of Crooked County that are on the list of suspected persons. They will certainly meet with a bad end if not taken to safety.


Jay Wilkes is the commander of the special task force assigned to catch Lisianna Rockefeller, who was forced to flee Crooked County. The famed journalist and wife to a well-known congressman and senator’s son, Lisianna Rockefeller was hunted by the Agent of the Devil Jay Wilkes.


But Lisianna had a secret friend. Her friend was truly King of his Realm. The dark beast that was always watching Lisianna was only a shadow to others. Was the mysterious creature merely a shadow… or maybe only a ghost?




The First Battle Of The New Civil War by Jim West: Book Cover

Jim West is a career broadcaster who spent the majority of his life in California as a program director and music director at several of California’s most popular radio stations. An entertaining morning host for seven years, West headed east and a gig at WMMS-Cleveland, readers of Rolling Stone magazine voted WMMS as “Radio Station of the Year” nine years in a row!


The First Battle Of The New Civil War by Jim West

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Contact Cosmic Communications for further information or  author contact info, or for further publicity information.


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